Pony Club

This former horse stable has been transformed into a space for creative expression. We host creative writing and improv quilting classes where the focus is on exploring your creativity, rather than making a perfect product. The space is also available to hire for your own creative workshops and for crafty gatherings, including hen dos and birthday parties

Being creative is great for the soul. We run creative workshops, Quilt Clubs, and self-craft mornings from Monday to Friday, and the space is available to hire on weekends at an hourly rate.

Availability + Capacity
We can easily accommodate 10-15 in our creative workshops. We have comfortable seating, plus 5 work tables and 20 dining chairs.
Book classes at bookwhen.com/ponyclubglasgow
For enquiries email ponyclubglasgow@gmail.com

There is a wood-fired heating system and access to a kitchen, heated with an open fire place. We have six sewing machines and lots of fabric that can be swapped with to make your projects.